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Healthcare systems in the EU region have become increasingly digital. In addition, medical doctors, pharmacists, researchers, politicians, and other experts in the healthcare sector use and exchange a large number of patient-related health data to make better decisions and make the most effective treatment possible. However, to support value-based healthcare, which includes improving the quality of healthcare and increasing patient satisfaction, integrating patients in the knowledge and experience exchange process with health experts is an important component.

For this reason, the Slovenian IMPROVE project partners F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG and Institute for Economic Research executed the 1st International Stakeholders' Community Event on January 23, 2025 in the City Hotel of Ljubljana. The IMPROVE Stakeholders’ Community consisting of experts from academia, politicians, medical doctors, health companies and patients will discuss experiences, expectations, preferences and broader value and potential as well as concerns in the context of patient-generated health data. The event will be executed within the scope of the EU-funded IMPROVE project's transnational project meeting.


The IMPROVE project aims to make digital healthcare more efficient by using Patient Generated Health Data central in the analyses of newly developed treatments and solutions. Health care systems in the EU region have become increasingly digital. In addition, medical doctors, pharmacists, researchers, ppoliticians,and other experts in the healthcare sector use and exchange a large number of patient-related health data to make better decisions and use the most effective treatment possible. Nonetheless, the quality of the data exchange is not sufficient due to a lack of standards and efficient ways of using Patient Generated Health Data. Workflows and operating procedures are often not efficient which leads to problems in decision-making processes and patient treatments. Additionally, this increases the costs of health services. The IMPROVE team will develop a platform where certain concepts of gathering and exchanging Patient Generated Health Data will be developed and tested in hospitals in different health areas.


Utrecht/Madrid, 06 mei 2024. Gezamenlijk persbericht van het IHI-project IMPROVE en de Universiteit Utrecht.

Meer dan 25 onderzoekers uit 10 Europese land. en komen naar Utrecht voor de allereerste Screenathon, die plaatsvindt van 14 tot en met 17 mei. Op verschillende historische locaties screenen zij gezamenlijk meer dan 10.000 wetenschappelijke publicaties. Het doel: inzicht krijgen in wereldwijd relevant onderzoek voor het IMPROVE-project, wat streeft naar een beter gebruik van door patiënten gegenereerde gezondheidsgegevens.


Utrecht/Madrid, May 06, 2024. Joined Press Release of the IHI Project IMPROVE and Utrecht University.

More than 25 researchers of ten different countries will join Utrecht’s first Screenathon, taking place from May 14th to May 17th. In several beautiful, historical places of Utrecht's city centre, European researchers together will screen more than 10,000 publications to get insights into the research activities all over the world relevant to the IMPROVE project, which seeks to improve how healthcare utilizes patient-generated health data.