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The IMPROVE consortium consists of 26 partners from ten European countries. It consists of experts from academia, economy and politics. The coordinating partner of the IMPROVE project is Universidad Politecnica de Madrid in Spain.

IMPROVE is a project supported by the Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI JU) under grant agreement No. 101132847. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme and COCIR, EFPIA, and MedTech Europe, Vaccines Europe.

The contributing partners are

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain),
PredictBy (Spain),
Danish Medicine Agency (Belgium),
Roche (Switzerland),
Institute for Economic Research (Slovenia),
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (Denmark),
Fundació Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (Spain),
Philips Medical System Nederland BV (The Netherlands),
Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf (Germany),
Tilburg University (The Netherlands), Dedalus (Italy),
Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla Fism Onlus (Italy),
AReSS Puglia (Italy),

MultiMed (Italy),
iserundschmidt GmbH (Germany),Better (Slovenia),
The Netherlands Cancer Institute (The Netherlands),
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten (Austria),
Eye Hospital, University Medical Centre Ljubljana (Slovenia),
Utrecht University (The Netherlands),
UDG Alliance (Switzerland),
Medtronic Iberica SA (Spain),
Fundacio Hospital Universitari Vall D’Hebron – Institut de Recerca (VHIR),
Splosna Bolnisnica Celje (Slovenia),


Life Supporting Technologies (LifeSTech) is part of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), focusing on ICT-based service and application design, development, and evaluation to foster innovation across organization value chains. UPM, one of Europe's largest universities, leads in technological research and hosts one of Spain's biggest e-Health research centers. LifeSTech actively collaborates with various public and private sector partners in R&D. Over the past fifteen years, LifeSTech has engaged in over thirty European projects funded by EU Research Programs (AIM, RACE, TIDE, BRITE, Telematics Applications, eTEN, Leonardo, Quality of Life and IST) and numerous projects sponsored by the Spanish Research Council and Madrid’s R&D Program.


PREDICTBY is an innovative research and consulting company that provides public and private organisations with reliable, independent and robust advice regarding the implementation of effective strategies and policies. We understand the power of scientific and systematic research and – most importantly – converting the results into practical and implementable insights. PREDICTBY operates in the field of Behavioural science, Data science and Regulation. So far, PREDICTBY is specialized in the domains of Health, Environment and Digital Transformation. 


The Danish Medicines Agency authorises and inspects pharmaceutical companies and licenses medicinal products in the Danish market, monitors adverse reactions from medicinal products, authorises clinical trials, decides which medicines are eligible for reimbursement, monitors medical devices available in Denmark and supervises adverse incidents involving medical devices, appoints proprietary pharmacists, organises the pharmacy structure and supervises pharmacies and retailers. While working with colleagues from regulatory authorities and organisations in other EU Countries, DMA also contributes in developing policies and regulations in the pharmaceutical area.


The Institute for Economic Research is the leading public economic research institute in Slovenia whose main business is macro and micro economic analysis, policy making, project development, training, monitoring and evaluation. For many years, the Institute has participated in various consortia and expert groups to provide independent analyses and expertise in the field of public policies for the needs of the Slovenian Government, the European Commission and other clients. The Institute's staff has also been extensively involved in structural reforms in Slovenia: tax system reform, pension and health care reform, labour market reform, long-term care reform, and reform of social transfers.  


The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies is an independent, non-profit think tank established in 1969 on the initiative by former Danish Minister and OECD Secretary-General Professor Thorkil Kristensen.

Our purpose is to help people and organisations imagine, work with, and shape their future. Our clients and members include some of the world’s largest corporations and organisations across Fortune 500 companies, government ministries and agencies, and non-government institutions. We are a leading global advisory in the use of futurist methods developed to solve strategic organisational challenges. Our core services include megatrends analyses, scenario planning, risk analyses, innovation processes, and strategic development.


The Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) is a research center in biomedicine promoted by the Bellvitge University Hospital and the Viladecans Hospital, both from the Catalan Health Institute, the Catalan Institute of Oncology, University of Barcelona and L’Hospitalet de Llobregat city council.

In IMPROVE, IDIBELL is participating through the DS3 research group. DS3 is an emerging multidisciplinary research group which engages in experimental, computational, and implementation research of the digital transformation of healthcare systems. It covers a broad scope of eHealth topics, including digital epidemiology and digital health solutions to facilitate remote care and support clinical decision-making.


At Philips, our purpose is to improve people’s health and well-being through meaningful innovation. We aim to improve 2.5 billion lives per year by 2030, including 400 million in underserved communities. At Philips, we aim to deliver superior, long-term value to our customers and shareholders, while acting responsibly towards our planet and society, in partnership with our stakeholders. We have a proud heritage of ground-breaking innovation that stretches back over 130 years. Meaningful innovation – focused on our customers’ needs – remains at the heart of everything we do.


The Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (ORL) is part of the Düsseldorf University Hospital (UKD/UDUS). In addition to general ENT services, it has specialized sections that are nationally and internationally respected. These include head and neck cancer (HNSCC), allergy, rhinology, skull base surgery, and otology. Within this frame UDUS regularly takes part in clinical and translational studies and research projects including EU-projects. Therefore, we will contribute with our expertise, role as a stakeholder, historical data as well as a pilot site within the IMPROVE project.

The Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication at Tilburg University (TiU) explores cognitive and social aspects of human communication, both face-to-face and computer mediated. We use various methods, including experiments, survey methods, corpus analyses, computational modelling, interviews and focus groups, digital ethnography, and design research. TiU is highly multidisciplinary, combining communication and cognitive science with artificial intelligence (AI) and (computational) linguistics, human-computer interaction, psychology, and sociology. We rely on both fundamental and applied research, with the latter often in externally funded research projects, in close collaboration with societal partners.


Dedalus Italia S.p.A. is one of the main companies of the Dedalus Group, the leading healthcare and diagnostic software provider in Europe. Dedalus Group supports globally the digital transformation of 7500 Healthcare Organisations and 5700 Labs and Diagnostic centres worldwide, processing its solutions for more than 540 millions of population worldwide. Dedalus offer supports the whole continuum of care, in every step and phase, offering open standards-based solutions serving each actor of the Healthcare Ecosystem to provide better care in a healthier planet. Life Flows through our software.


The Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (FISM) was founded by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (AISM) in 1987. FISM is the leading funding agency in the field of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Italy and the third worldwide (after US and Canada MS Societies) and funds research through extramural research projects, grants and infrastructure. FISM also performs research in the fields of rehabilitation, public health and Responsible Research Innovation governance models, supported by public funds. FISM is the lead agency for and on behalf of International Multiple Sclerosis Federation (MSIF) of the Global Patient Reported Outcome Initiative for MS (https://proms-initiative.org/).


AReSS Puglia is the regional agency for health and social care innovation of Apulia Region (Italy). Main competence areas are :

  • epidemiology & care intelligence,
  • health technology assessment,
  • clinical networks and pathways,
  • healthcare quality auditing
  • digital health
  • innovation in health workforce skills.

The mission of Agency is to carry on projects regarding process experiments on health and environment, healthy long-living and ageing, hybrid models of digitally enabled care. AReSS Puglia hosts the governance  of  the regional cancer network, the regional rare diseases network and the Apulian center of telemedicine. Aress has main coordination role finalized to  healthcare digital transformation connected to national recovery and resilience plan, through the disruptive evolution of community care system and facilities. AReSS Puglia is also the coordinator of the 4-stars EU Reference Site for Active and Healthy Ageing.

MultiMed Engineers is a research-oriented SME that studies the application of modern digital technologies in knowledge intensive sectors, with a special focus on the biomedical field. Our strength is based on the diverse skills and expertise offered by a multidisciplinary pool of professionals – in both engineering and medical disciplines – that compose the core partnership of the Company. Although we can confidently address multiple technology domains, we have hands‑on expertise and a proven track record on the application of data driven technologies in the fields of active and healthy aging and oncology decision making.


The iserundschmidt GmbH is an agency for knowledge communication in Germany with high expertise in health communication, science communication and sustainability research in various interdisciplinary fields. They are involved in different Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects where they lead the communication and dissemination activities on a high professional level. The ius team is highly experienced in communicating complex scientific topics to a public with different levels of professionalism. The company’s mission is to connect entities with different knowledge background to enable efficient knowledge exchange fostering sustainable innovation processes.


Better transforms healthcare organisations with Better Platform, an open data digital health platform, designed to store, manage, query, retrieve, and exchange structured electronic health records, and Better Meds, electronic prescribing, and medication administration solution. The company focuses on simplifying the work of health and care teams, advocates for data for life, and strives for all health data to be vendor-neutral and easily accessible. It puts organisations in control of their data, workflows, and transformation plans in order to improve patient care. Better has provided solutions across more than 20 markets, and Better Platform securely supports over 30 million patients all over the world.

The St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (STPUAS) is a key player in the Austrian higher education sector and one of the most important employers in the region.  As a European University, we lead the European University Alliance E³UDRES² (Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) and closely collaborate with universities from Portugal, Romania, Hungary, Belgium, Latvia, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands to create sustainable teaching formats and further develop smart and sustainable regions. The Centre for Digital Health and Social Innovation is a hub for researchers at the STPUAS across disciplines. We connect people and ideas and create human-centered solutions to promote well-being for healthy societies. We are the first contact point for researchers, industry innovators, and non-profit organizations on a national and international level. 

Department of Methodology and Statistics, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands [https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/methodology-and-statistics].

Medtronic is a global leader in medical technology, services, and solutions. We collaborate with others to take on healthcare's greatest challenges. Our approach to innovation: With a passion to solve unmet needs, we redefine what’s possible in healthcare technology.

  • Life-transforming technologies: fuse technology, a deep understanding of the body, and leading medical science.
  • Insight-driven care: take insights gleaned from data to make substantial improvements in care, tailoring therapies in real time.
  • Experiences that put people first: adaptive technologies that adapt to patient’s lifestyle and put control in their hands.
  • Better outcomes for our world: From better clinical and economic outcomes to societal ones, dismantling barriers to equity in our communities, and deeply understanding the patients and health systems.


Fundacio Hospital Universitari Vall D’Hebron – Institut de Recerca.

General Hospital Celje is the third largest hospital in Slovenia. It provides healthcare for a region with 250.000 – 300.000 inhabitants depending on particular speciality. It is also the teaching hospital for medical and nursing students with developed research and educational activity.

The hospital care in Celje was reported in Middle Ages already, however the opening of Gizela´s hospital 1887 is considered the beginning of the modern hospital care. Modernization of the hospital began with the construction of a new building in 1977 and continues till today.

General Hospital Celje has 2144 employees among them 370 physicians. Health care is provided in 32 hospital departments that are organized in several units: Division of Surgery, Non-Operative Medical Division, Division of gynaecology and Obstetrics, Pediatric Medical Division and General Medical Division.

Webside: https://www.sb-celje.si/

Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital is an orthopaedic centre with around 450 employees, of which 45 are specialist doctors. It offers 190 patient beds, representing rather more than 50% of Slovenia’s orthopaedic capacity. In the outpatient department, more than 33,000 patients from all over Slovenia are seen and treated annually, while 6,000 are hospitalised.  We carry out over 5,250 surgical operations each year in 6 operating theatres. Valdoltra has had the Arthroplasty Registry since 2002 and from 2019 on is the holder of The National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia (RES).  


Center for Technology and Research Hellas

UDG Alliance is a non-profit organization aimed at the development of techno-legal solutions and enablers and providing specialized ethical and legal compliance support services. Amongst its core activities, the Alliance supports the development of  the Universal Device Gateway (UDG) framework for Internet of Things (IoT) integration, which ensures multi-protocol interoperability, scalability, and efficient IoT management across over 50 communication protocols. UDG Alliance also serves as personal data protection and ethics compliance manager for multiple international research projects, ensuring their introduction of privacy-by-design and security-by design approaches in alignment with Europrivacy, the European Data Protection Seal. For more information, visit UDG Alliance [https://www.udgalliance.org/].